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Wallmounts for C2?

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    Wallmounts for C2?

    I have a pair of C2 and want to wall mount them.
    Is there a original "wandhalter" for the C2 or do you have any other recommendations?
    Thank You and Regards / Pat

    Hi Pat

    I've heard, that the chief developer is for the moment very busily.

    There is actually a omnimount for the C2-Loudspeakers, but unfortunately no information is to be found on the homepage...

    if you understand the German language, you can following a discussion under the following link:

    if not, then you probably had to wait until Kurt (the chief developer) will find time to answer your question...

    I hope that will help you...


    werde mit aktiven Piega C8 Ltd und einem "P Sub 1 Mk2" verwöhnt...


      Same problem...

      Hi Pat,
      I have the same problem and there is already a thread about this (but in German).

      I misunderstood the information on the Piega homepage in the same way you did.

      As far as I know there is NO possibility to mount the C2 on a wall without returning it to the factory or drilling some holes (on the right places) into the box by yourself.

      I opened the box yesterday - Mr. Scheuch from Piega gave me all the information’s I needed for doing that. Now I know where I could drill the holes but I can not find the right mounting so far. The OmniMount CA 120.0 would be ok for me, but is not deliverable in Austria :-(

      If you want I can inform you how this case continues – I am a bit disappointed because I thought it would be easier to get my C2 on the wall…

      Best Regards,

