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Coax Excellence Grill Cloth Color

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    Coax Excellence Grill Cloth Color


    I wanted to know about if I order a speaker in one of the Coax Excellence colors, but did not want the Black Grill Cloth that seems to come standard with them, could I switch them to the Grey Grill Cloth instead (the one that comes standard with the Aluminum/White colors) so that my order is shipped with just the Grey and not the Black Grill cover? I'm sure I could order the Grey cover separately, but I'd much rather just skip the Black cover and not have to pay an additional price to have the option for the Grey. I think the pairing with the Gray cover will be more interesting/attractive with some of the colors I am interested in.

    Thank you so much

    It would be cool to have a few more color options for grill cloths at some point