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Coax Excellence Price

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    Coax Excellence Price


    Quick question, can you let me know what the mark up on the Coax Excellence speakers is supposed to be? I believe it was mentioned in articles but I can't find them anymore when I search. Thank you!


    811 = 900 CHF/piece
    611 = 800 CHF/piece
    411 = 700 CHF/piece

    Please note: Due to taxes and exchange rates, this may vary from country to country​

    PIEGA wird im outfit etwas "moderner und mutiger" und bietet bis auf Weiteres die aktuelle Coax-Baureihe in einer Excellence-Variante an. Dabei geht's um die Farbgestaltung der eloxierten Gehäuse. Diese sind - ab sofort - in 8 verschiedenen Farbtönen bestellbar (plus die bereits bekannten Versionen). Die

    der NUR den eigenen Ohren vertraut


      Thank you so much Norbert!


        I actually did have a follow up question in regards to actually seeing renderings of each of the colors that are offered in the Coax Excellence line. Ideally someone would be able to click on the colors name on the website and you'd be able to see digital renderings of them on the speaker, just as you can do for the standard silver, black and white colors offered now.

        These Excellence offerings are fairly new and I can understand why it might take some time to offer a feature like this on the Piega website.

        But, specifically, I'd like to see the colors "Havana Tobacco," "Shiny Ash," and "Alpine Stone". Ideally on the Coax 411, but seeing those colors on the 611/811 would be helpful as well. If you can provide photos or links I'd really appreciate it!


        • mbu
          mbu kommentierte
          Kommentar bearbeiten
          Hello everyone,

          Yes, showcasing the Excellence colors accurately is quite a challenge. The best way to experience them is to visit a dealer – we’ve specially created real color samples with the original anodized colors for the POS area to give you an authentic impression.

          At the same time, we’re currently working on producing high-quality renderings of the 8 color variants. This will take a little more time, but we’re on it. The colors are a real highlight of the Excellence models and play a key role as a driving force within our Coax series.

          Wishing you continued enjoyment with these beautiful products!

          Best regards, Martin

        I sent the idea with the color samples on the homepage to PIEGA marketing.

        It is very difficult to show the colors exactly on a monitor. Ask your dealer for the color samples. These are small aluminum plates that show the colors very well.


        der NUR den eigenen Ohren vertraut


          Thank you for passing that suggestion along to Piega marketing!

          I am aware of the small aluminum metal plates (I should have mentioned that) and will consider requesting them from my dealer


            Thank you also to Martin for the response, I look forward to seeing how the how-quality renderings turn out! I really appreciate the engagement we can have with the company on this platform!

