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Subwoofer - Receiver connection

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    Subwoofer - Receiver connection

    Dear Kurt,

    First of all, the best wishes to you for 2006.

    I have asked this question for some time ago already, but I want to ask you again, but now from an other perspective.
    A few days ago I listened to a few receivers (Denon AVC-A11XV, Denon AVR-4306, Marantz SR8500 on a pair of Piega P4XL-mkII speakers. I also brought my own receiver, a Sony STR-DB1080QS. During the 3 hours of listening to the three recievers and the amplifier I and my wife came to the conclusion that the both denon and the Marantz sounded almost the same as my own Sony. After this listening session I think now to add a subwoofer to my components. And now comes my question!

    Is it possible to make two kind of connections together to the Piega Psub1 MKII? I want to connect the sub with a LFE cable to my reciever for listening in 5.1 movies and I want to make a connection with the High Level connections on the sub to my reciever for stereo music listening.

    When I use the "analog direct" mode on my reciever (for stereo music), the LFE channel is not working, so the sub is not working when I connect only with the LFE connection. I also want the sub working in stereo mode.

    I hope you have enough information above to answer on my question.
    If not, let me know so I can add the things you want to know.

    Best regards,
    Ben van der Lee

    Hello Ben

    From us also the best desires for 2006. Unfortunately I do not know the Sony Str-db1080qs. I would not recommend to connect the Woofer doubly. There is the possibility that interactions with very negative consequences can occur. The best way, you asks a competent specialist dealer.

    Best regards


