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Damaged cabinet C8 LTD

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    Damaged cabinet C8 LTD


    After searching on the internet for many years, I finely found a pair of C40’s at an for me affordable price. They are in very good shape and I am sure to enjoy these friends for many hours.
    So far the good news. The next step was to sell my C8 LTD’s. Preparing the sale via internet I was going to make pictures to show these beauties. I then discovered that someone had an accident with one of my C8’s and “forgot” to mention it.

    I made a reconstruction of what must have happened and concluded that he must have falled sideward against the P SUB 1. Strange enough the sub has no damage at all, but on edge of the C8 there is a deep mark. See photo :(

    Is there any way to have this type of damaged repaired?

    I have been thinking to make another choice and have them painted in piano black. If painting indeed is the only solution, then I need to know how to dismantle the speakers. Is there a manual available to help me with this?

    I hope you are able to advice me, making these beauties ready for some one else to enjoy them for many more years.

    Thanks for your help in advance.

    Kind regards,
    Angehängte Dateien

    Hi Wim

    Unfortunately, there is no way to repair the aluminum cabinet. A paint job is also difficult because the rubber seal on the front cover can not be removed. The best thing is you are talking to a good local painter. Sorry.

    Best regards


      when I think about what "smart repair" can do with a car´s damage - this should be the way...

      wbr, Harald


        OK guys, thanks for the answers.
        I endeed will look for a good painter.

        kind regads, Wim


          good luck


            Dear Kurt,
            Coming back on the paint option, the idea is indeed to make the cabinet black.
            Surfing over the forum I found a C40 painted partially black including the cover of the small grill protecting the coaxial ribbon.
            This would give the C8’s the looks I think will be appreciated by many people. I even think to do the same with my C40’s.
            My question in this regard is if there is an easy way/trick to remove this grill’s to do the paint job?
            Can you advice the RAL number of Piano Black what was used originally on the C40?
            I look forward to hear again from you.
            K rgds, Wim


              Hi Wim,

              it is very, very difficult to varnish "Piano-Lack" for a very good varnisher and not a "low budget project".

              Only the "Piano-Lack" of the C40 is more expensive than the complete case of a Coax70!

              It is hardly ever possible to anodize after the completion, because the case/parts comes into an acid bath.

              For more information we have to wait for Kurt.
              Zuletzt geändert von nk; 01.11.2010, 19:38.
              der NUR den eigenen Ohren vertraut


                Hi Wim

                I think it is not possible to make a piano laquer finish. Because you have to polish the laquer, it will damage the rubber lip for the frontgrill.

                Best regards


                  Thanks Norbert and Kurt,

                  Anyhow I will have a eventual paint job done by a profesional. They can do miricals by just masking (in this case the rubber). It will still not be a "low budget" job, but thats not what I am looking for. It has to be a very good quality paint job under the circumstances.
                  If piano lack is too difficult, I then will ask them to do a good quality car paint in black.

                  In any case I then still would like to know the RAL number of the black paint used on the Piega's and how to remove the grill in front of the ribbon without damage.
                  I also like to ask you for the RAL number of the silver paint?

                  I hope you can answer my questions.

                  kind regards,
                  Zuletzt geändert von Filmkelder; 02.11.2010, 18:19.


                    schwarz = RAL 9005 (tiefschwarz)
                    silber is not a RAL No. it`s named Brillantsilver (maybe a Car Laquer?)



                      OK Kurt, thanks.

                      However you did not answer on my other question regarding the grill covering the ribbon?
                      I hope to receive this last bit of information, so I can bring them to the painter.
                      Thanks in advance.

                      Kind regards, Wim


                        sorry, you can gently pull the front grill out from the rubber lips

                        Best regards


                          Sorry Kurt, I am looking how to remove the small grill protecting the ribbon (the one which is painted black on the picture of the C40 I mentioned before).

                          Zitat von Filmkelder Beitrag anzeigen
                          Dear Kurt,
                          Surfing over the forum I found a C40 painted partially black including the cover of the small grill protecting the coaxial ribbon.
                          I have the idea you are talking about the big front grill covering the complete front? This one indeed is easy to remove.

                          I hope you understand my question better now.

                          thanks again, Wim


                            but the front of my C40 ist natural alloy? Only the side/rear is painted. Why paint the front?
                            I would tape the front CAREFULLY while painting and not remove any of the chassis...

                            wbr, Harald
                            Zuletzt geändert von Nürnberger; 04.11.2010, 07:32.


                              Ah, I see. The coax is with a thin aluminum film covered.
                              You can simply remove the cover. Just pull. It is then not to use again.

                              The risk is high, to damaging something, if the drivers are removed. Be careful my friend.

                              Best regards

