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Integrated Amp for TP3 ???

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    Integrated Amp for TP3 ???

    I hope you don't mind my writing in English ...
    Two weeks ago I bought a new set of TP3's in replacement of a combo Totem Dreamcatcher (Sub + two monitors), with as main goal to get rid of the subwoofer.
    I think I have succeeded, I now have sufficient bass with sweet and lovely highs and middles ... I will still need to experiment a little with exact placement after having redecorated the room.
    For the moment I am using a Cyrus 5 Amp with Cyrus CD ... the near future might lead to a new amp. A listening session of TP3's on an ARCAM Amp was sufficiently convincing to make me order a set of these speakers. Other likely candidates (which I haven't heard combined with Piega) are : Naim Nait 5i, Roksan M1, Creek 5350, Primare i21, Exposure 2010s, Unison UNICO or Linn Classik (=Amp+CD+Tuner).
    Do I really need 100W/channel for a relatively small listening room ?
    Any advise is welcome ... (in German, English, French or Dutch)
    Best regards from Belgium,

    hallo Luc

    auf deine frage, die geräte der namhaften hersteller die du anführst
    dürften keine probleme mit der TP3 haben.
    wen du einen händler findest der 2 oder mehr verstärker hat die dich interessieren probier sie zuhause aus.
    Jeder hat eigene ohren und einen eigenen geschmack.
    100 W sind nicht zwingend nötig.
    Vieleicht währe ja aura note eine möglichkeit?

    viel spass beim ausprobieren

    Zuletzt geändert von SPY; 27.10.2008, 22:07.


      There are two other candidates I forgot in my first posting :
      - Bryston B60 (possibly with integrated DAC)
      - Musical Fidelity A1, but here I am really concerned about the available power, because it is recommended only for sensitive speakers and I am not sure the Piega TP3 can be considered as such ...
      Thanks for any possible advise,


        Hi there,

        Finally the choice has been made : I have ordered this evening a Linn Majik-I.
        The trouble with listening sessions is that you always like to try something better and and keep on putting the limit higher.
        Now just a few days of waiting before the "christmas present" arrives at the dealer and we can enjoy the new amp at home !!!

        Zuletzt geändert von LucVdB; 10.12.2008, 21:18.


          Congratulations - have fun!

          Ciao, Harald

