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Coax 70 vs 611

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    Coax 70 vs 611

    Hallo zusammen,

    hat jemand von euch bereits Erfahrungen mit dem Wechsel von den Coax70 auf die 611er oder auch 511er Lautsprecher gemacht?

    Ich frage, weil ich in naher Zukunft meine beiden Coax70 LS gegen die 611er austauschen möchte. Der Sparplan steht schon mal fest, und mich würde sehr interessieren, wie ihr diesen Wechsel einschätzt. Soweit ich weiß, hat sich einiges an der Steifigkeit der Gehäuse verändert.

    Besonders interessiert mich jedoch, wie ihr den Tiefton im Vergleich empfindet. Die Coax70 arbeiten ja mit zwei 18 cm MOM-Bassreflex-Lautsprechern, während die 611er auf zwei 16 cm aktive UHQD-Treiber mit Passivmembran setzen.

    Theoretisch bzw. messtechnisch reichen die Coax70 ja sogar etwas tiefer in den Bassbereich.

    Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn jemand hier seine Erfahrungen mit beiden Versionen teilen könnte.

    Vielen Dank

    I cant speak for the Coax 70 to Coax 611 but I can provide my experience from Coax 90.2 to Coax 611 if it is of interest.

    Primary Character of 90.2:
    A reasonably flat frequency band speaker with a particularly 'present' sound, owing to a prominent bump around 6khz. This was, imo, it's only true flaw but at the same time, when tamed with suitable cables and amplifier choice, was a benefit for vocal music and blues, rock pop etc. Whereas it was always to the detriment of Classical music imo because this imbalance was evident on large scale orchestral pieces. I still loved the speaker for all the reasons we are attracted to a Coaxial Ribbon design that covers the frequency spectrum down to 450hz. Wonderful for vocals and instruments in that range and a totally effortless performance.

    Dynamics were fine on the 90.2 for my tastes but could have been more prominent when compared to alternative manufacturer designs. Of course, other designs would mean losing this wonderful Coaxial ribbon design and that is a compromise I would rather not consider.

    Primary Character of 611:
    The frequency band is generally flatter than the 90.2, which is what I had hoped. I must say though 8 years of living with a overly 'present' sound was not easy to adjust to losing but there are benefits, without a doubt. My appreciation of Classical music in particular has greatly improved since moving to the 611. It provides more believable instrument timber/tone and a far more believable and deeper sound stage than the 90.2. In fact the depth and clarity of the soundstage is probably the best I have heard from any speaker, regardless of price. It is out of the room and down the street, (I am not exaggerating). Having said that, the staging is also a little deeper than the 90.2, so a vocal will normally sit a little further back from the speaker line. To gain the deepest imaging, if that is an important consideration, one should place the back of the speakers approx. 60cm from front wall imo. Nearer woukd slightly impair the imaging depth.

    These speakers are very easy on the ear and I have not noticed a meaningful loss of bass weight despite the drop from 180mm woofers in the 90.2. I assume the 611 woofers have a greater throw.

    If you do listen to a lot of Classical music, I have found that the 611 paired with the incredibly well balanced Siltech Classic legend 880 interconnects and Speaker cables provided me with a Classical experience I shall not forget. The best, most balanced and believable orchestral performance i have ever heard, with stunning depth of staging and excellent dynamics too. My goodness, it shook me, emotionally.

    Overall, this 611 is a great technical achievement imo.

    Finally, a note on run-in and setup:
    I was shocked at how long it took to fully run these speakers in. Overall, I calculated 336 hours at an average of -40db amplifier level before it provided the sort of clean image separation I know this design can provide. Running overnight at low volumes was a waste of time. I suspect this is because the design uses passive woofers for venting the cabinet. They are not driven and therefore take a very long time to operate at perfect speed.

    Regarding setup: I would always urge any buyer to observe Piega's setup guidance of a triangle 1 x 1.5, the long side being the distance to seating area. Piega know what they are talking about here. It is critical to frequency balance, imaging weight and weight of lead vocals and lead instruments imo.


      Oops! Timbre/tone in post above not Timber. Sorry for my spelling mistake!


        Welcome to the PIEGA-fans.

        Thank you for sharing your experiences. The duration of new PIEGA speakers....

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        der NUR den eigenen Ohren vertraut


          Thank you Norbert, I have watched this forum for many years and know your valuable contribution


            Thank you, DavidB, for your response.

            An interesting comparison you made between the 90er and the 611er!

