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511 speaker isolation

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    511 speaker isolation

    Hi I am a very proud owner of a pair of ex demo 511s.Very impressed and happy with the performance of these amazing speakers. The reason for my post is to inquire whether anyone uses any aftermarket speaker isolation such as the townshend isopods or Gaia feet. I'm currently using spikes through carpet sitting on a wooden floor and interested whether anyone else has tried the above and what impact they had.

    I am particularly interested in the Gaia speaker isolator feet.

    Many thanks

    Hello Morris

    First of all we are glad you are enjoying your 511s and thank you for trusting in PIEGA

    I can not comment on the above products, since we never had them on our speakers. Generally i would not overrate the impact of speaker isolation. not saying this has no impact. But i would strongly recommend to look into "lower hang fruits" to improve your sound. Room acoustics is the big player here. Even placing the speakers slightly different can result in big changes. Or sound treat your room, which obviously is not always living room friendly. But you might find small changes can do big impact already
    From our experience you get much more impact from this type of measures than adding any isolation to the speakers

    kind regards


      Thanks Dominik.

